Sociological research, method consulting

Sociological research, method consulting

Qualitative sociological research is characterised by research team subjectivity becoming a part of the research subject. This method requires a high level of willingness and ability in terms of reflection on own thinking and acting patterns, and the process can be effectively supported by a professional, external consultant, who enables systematic and continuous feedback on reflection outcomes.
Emphasising qualitative methods, I develop a tailor-made research design together with you and support the method and instrument implementation. During the implementation, I accompany your (self)reflexive interpretation process.
I also offer sociological research with my partners logo


  • ECAP Guatemala: Acompañamiento psicosocial e investigación en contexto de exhumaciones – evaluación
  • Las mujeres valientes del Wanki Awala (in Spanish).
  • Aspectos psícosociales de la guerra de los 80 en el Río Coco (psychosocial aspects of the war of the 80s in the Río Coco region) (in Spanish)
  • Psycho-social consequences of war in the peoples living in the northern region of Nicaragua (in Spanish).
  • Algo anda mal. El Bla o Wakni en el Rio Coco. An intercultural, sociological study amongst and with the members of two indigenous peoples of the Caribbean region in Nicaragua (in Spanish).
  • “Seeing beyond Violence” – participatory research project about non-violence experiences, involving children. Carried out in Colombia and Nicaragua (in Spanish/English).
  • Method consulting and team-coaching for “Tracking Footprints” –international research project for SOS-Kinderdorf International/Hermann Gmeiner Akademie, Innsbruck, Austria.
  • Students from the University of Salzburg, faculties of natural science and humanities, working on their dissertation or diploma.

see also:

!HELIX research & consulting